Dear Madam Vice President

Tonya J. Williams
2 min readNov 7, 2020

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris,

Congratulations to you, and everything you’re about to do for America and for the people!

From the moment you walked out onto the debate stage during the Democratic primaries, I have felt the significance of your presence and watched with enormous pride in my heart. You are the first, and I know that you will represent in a way that will continue to make us all so proud.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris

And of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about the joy you’ll bring to this office. Keep smiling, laughing and dancing. Even as we all celebrate this victory, the country is in mourning right now with more than 220,000 dead from COVID-19 and millions out of work. More than ever, we need your exuberant spirit and trust in science to help get us through this time in our history.

I’m sure that being the first won’t be easy, but you’ve done it time and time again in your political career and I know you’ll do it well again.

When I left my last job to work at EMILY’s List in 2018, I wrote the following in a note to my colleagues:

As most of you know, a pivotal moment for me was the election of President Trump. No matter your political preference, from what I know about each of you, the utter indifference for facts, history, knowledge and human decency that we’ve seen recently is unacceptable, and does not set a good example for the next generation. It also doesn’t live up to the promise of America and who we all want to be. I feel deeply the need to impact change in our nation, so I’m thrilled by the opportunity to do so through the work at Emily’s List. I know it won’t be easy, but every day I’ll put to work the knowledge and skills that I’ve gained while being here.

NEVER in a million years did I think that you’d be part of the next presidential ticket, and that tears of frustration would be replaced with tears of joy! I knew, like more than 70,000,000 of us knew, that America was capable of living up to its promise. Today, with the announcement of President-elect Joe Biden and you as madam vice president-elect we have come one step closer.



Tonya J. Williams

God’s Child | Maurey’s Wife | Tori and Caleb’s Mom | PR Pro | U of M & Georgetown Alum | Embracing my journey!